Lyanne Pratts – Fashion Designer Interview


1. Tell us a bit about yourself and what’s going on in your life at the moment?

I am a hard-working creative individual with an eye for detail. I enjoy challenging myself and finding new and creative ways around challenges. Currently I am undergoing a PGCE in Gibraltar University after having completed my degree in BA Hons Fashion Design.
I would love to become a teacher as I aim to inspire and encourage the generations to come to express themselves through art (fashion).

Lyanne Pratts- Fashion Designer Interview
Design development

2. What’s your first fashion memory?

My first fashion memory would be having a notepad where I would express my ideas onto paper by drawing my designs onto plain silhouettes. All my drawings were rough sketches done by pencil. This ignited my passion for art and fashion.

Lyanne Pratts- Fashion Designer Interview
Final collection piece worn by Sarah Garcia – Headpiece by Veiled by Kay – MUA Yuly Gaivizo – photographer Gabriella Martinez

3. Tell us about your degree course and your final collection.

I studied BA hons Fashion Design at Middlesex university including a foundation degree. I found that my course was demanding but rewarding as I have seen my progress as a person and designer throughout the 4 year course. My final collection was initially inspired by lingerie and its detail which then developed into merging the ‘underwear’ with ‘outerwear’. Incorporating the fine details of lingerie into my collection which aimed to highlight the female body and empowering women.

Lyanne Pratts- Fashion Designer Interview
Final collection

4. How would you describe the garments you create?

Modern; trendy; elegant; sexy.

5. Are there any aspects of the fashion industry you dislike?

I would have to say the competitiveness in the fashion industry is something that can be off putting. On the other hand, this gave me motivation to better myself and improve due to the high standards and competition.

Lyanne Pratts- Fashion Designer Interview

6. Who would you like to dress and why?

I would love to dress up the younger generation as I would enjoy teaching them how they can express themselves through clothing.

7. Are you planning a next collection?

At the moment I am not planning my next collection as I am focusing on completing my PGCE.

Lyanne Pratts- Fashion Designer Interview
Final collection piece worn by Giovanella Viñales– MUA Megan Davis – photographer Gabriella Martinez

8. What are your plans for the future?

I aim to complete the PGCE and teach textiles. Once I complete the PGCE I would love to make another collection and collaborate with other local designers/artists.

9. What advice would you give someone thinking about studying fashion?

Go for it! It’s a challenging industry but the good times outweigh the bad times. You will face loads of challenges but if you believe in yourself and push yourself you will get through it.

Lyanne Pratts- Fashion Designer Interview
Design development

10. Where can Globe Magazine readers see more of your work?

They can see more of my work on Facebook and Instagram @fabricstudioss where I showcase my final collection and ideas.


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