Mrs Gibraltar 2022


It was a welcome return, after the upheaval of the Covid pandemic… fans were ready to enjoy an evening of entertainment on a fine ‘windless’ Summer’s night…!

The stage was dressed in a purple and a yellowy mustard backdrop for this year’s presentation and a lovely sunset scene accompanied the setup, appropriately for the time of day…the Alameda ‘green’ completed the picture. The show kicked off with a very energetic dancer, Ayla Santos Pizarro, who performed very well with a self –confident routine, quickly followed by the appearance of the ten Mrs Gibraltar hopefuls, competing for the desirable crown. I raise my glass to them all for taking part in what must be a demanding venture for them…married or partnered ladies and perhaps mothers also, who already have enough to get on with, not to mention, for many of them, looking after a job to add to it all.

Mrs Gibraltar 2022

This year’s show was based on an Indian or Hindu (Bollywood/Western Culture Fusion) theme, highlighting the multi-cultural make up of the Gibraltarian community, with the ladies dressing in Indian attire, with appropriate music and choreography to match their elegant presentation. As is the norm at Mrs Gibraltar performances, Ideal Production Directors, Mark Andrades and Angel Ressa handled the introductions and general presentation throughout the evening.

Mrs Gibraltar 2019, Grace Catherine Baker made an early appearance in the programme coming across confident and happy to have been chosen the winner at the last show (a potential presenter for future Mrs Gibraltar pageants perhaps!)

Mrs Gibraltar 2022

The show proceeded in the usual way with contestants introducing themselves as they came on stage and then parading in different, colourful outfits and I have to say – as I always do – rehearsals pay off in the end and tiring weeks of hard slog produce results. All of their practised routines were well demonstrated on the night. The catwalk or runway was made good use of, allowing the judges – made up from a variety of professions – to get a closer look at the contenders. Ladies, you all did very well right through the night!

Mrs Gibraltar 2022

The much dreaded interview segment was treated differently this year with the judges posing unprepared questions, which the ladies clearly did not expect! As this was the first time, the experiment produced a variety of results…It was a good, innovative idea…10 out of 10 for trying it out.

The evening also brought with it a well deserved tribute to Claire Borrell, who passed away recently and did tremendous work for abused women on the Rock. The show’s participants honoured Claire in a video highlighting the unfortunate suffering women and men go through domestic violence whether physical, sexual or mental or any other form meted out by abusive spouses, ‘and it has to stop,’ was the underlying message. It was well delivered in the main by the ladies but far too long I thought…

After the interval, we were treated to Ella Vinet’s great singing voice as she belted out two of her favourite songs (Natural Woman and Never Enough from The Greatest Showman); she is a good singer with a fine range! In the meantime the judges were no doubt knocking their heads together as they slipped away into the Alameda night trying to decide who deserved to take the crown and who the winners were, of the different categories – a job which needed to be done, and then they returned….with Joely Borda being awarded ‘Queen for the Night!’.

And so, it went like this:

  • The Public Vote…Michelle Harrison Friendship Award…Zhanna Borgoyne
    Ana Luisa Award…Natalie Wink Ideal Productions Award…Tessa Pace
    Mrs Photogenic Award…Siham Boulhit YGTV Interview…Alisha Harper
    Mrs Catwalk…Jerelyn Anne Harper Mrs Elegance Award…Siham Boulit
    2nd Princess…Michelle Harrison 1st Princess…Siham Boulhit

Text By Richard Cartwright
Photographs By Justin Koen

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