Michelle Lopez Desoisa (2nd princess Miss Gibraltar 2022) Interview


1. Name

Michelle Lopez Desoisa

Michelle Lopez Desoisa (2nd princess Miss Gibraltar 2022) Interview
Photography by Allan Garro, Hair & Makeup- Rafa Anaya Climent at Midtown Hair & Beauty.
Michelle Lopez Desoisa (2nd princess Miss Gibraltar 2022) Interview
Photography by Allan Garro, Hair & Makeup- Rafa Anaya Climent at Midtown Hair & Beauty.   

2. Tell us about yourself

I consider myself to be an ambitious and hard working person that loves a good challenge. I’m a very family oriented person and thanks to my family and their support I’ve reached many of my goals, my family mean everything to me and without them I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I have a very bubbly personality and love getting to know new people. I am currently studying in the university of Gibraltar, completing my PGCE to fully qualify as a primary teacher. It has always been a dream of mine to work with children, from a very young I’ve felt very driven towards helping children in their emotional and academic development. My goal as a teacher is to inspire my students and become a positive role model in their lives.

Michelle Lopez Desoisa (2nd princess Miss Gibraltar 2022) Interview
My Graduation day 25.04.2021

3. When did you first enter a pageant?

The Miss Gibraltar pageant was the first pageant I’ve ever entered and would go through the whole experience again!

4. What attracted you to enter the Miss Gibraltar pageant?

My mum being a former Miss Gibraltar definitely encouraged me to enter the pageant. I’m not going to say it’s always been a dream of mine to enter, however as I’ve grown up I’ve felt more confident and wanted to challenge myself on this venture.

Michelle Lopez Desoisa (2nd princess Miss Gibraltar 2022) Interview
My Graduation day 25.04.2021

5. Describe the highlights of the pageant?

I would definitely say the highlights of the Miss Gibraltar pageant were the amazing friendships I’ve made not only with the contestants but with the production team as well. It was an amazing journey and I feel I have grown as a person and learnt that I am capable of more than I ever imagined. Throughout the pageant I developed more self confidence, self discipline, motivation and determination.

Michelle Lopez Desoisa (2nd princess Miss Gibraltar 2022) Interview
with my sister at the Miss Gibraltar show

6. How did you prepare for Miss Gibraltar?

For the Miss Gibraltar pageant I prepared myself mentally and physically. Besides going to the gym everyday, I have always found it hard to speak in public so i practiced interview questions at home. This helped me prepare myself when speaking in public and throughout my interview with the judges. However I have learnt that the best way to deal with these nerves and insecurities are by being yourself and be confident in yourself. With confidence in who you are you will be able to present yourself the best way and the public will really get to know you.

Michelle Lopez Desoisa (2nd princess Miss Gibraltar 2022) Interview
Charity event in aid of the Guardian Angel Foundation 05.11.2022

7. Tell us about the dress you chose for the pageant.

Picking my evening dress for the pageant was not as easy as it seemed. I thought my best option was getting one made for me but then I realised how hard it was to pick a style and design. Just two weeks before the show I decided to change my dress as I wasn’t happy with the final design. So the pressure was on! I found a page I really loved and ordered the dress that would arrive on time. Although it wasn’t my dream dress I was really happy with it and felt that it stood out.

8. What was going through your mind when they called your name as 2nd Princess?

When the presenters called my name as 2nd princess I felt very proud of myself and was feeling very emotional. Before entering Miss Gibraltar I had no idea how much work is put into a pageant. So winning 2nd princess was a big deal to me.

Michelle Lopez Desoisa (2nd princess Miss Gibraltar 2022) Interview
With my sister, photography by Allan Garro

9. How do you respond to those that feel that Pageants are outdated?

I would best respond to people that think that pageants are outdated by telling them that beauty pageants are not just about beauty they provide us with a platform to voice our opinions and choices and makes us strong and independent.

10. Tell us about your pageant platform?

Since Miss Gibraltar I have been working closely with the Guardian Angel Foundation. In November I had my first charity event with them where I organised a boxing marathon and raised £1500. My Goal is to carry on working with them and raise awareness for all the local children that are suffering from financial distress or illnesses which impairs their physical or mental well being.

Michelle Lopez Desoisa (2nd princess Miss Gibraltar 2022) Interview
With my sister, photography by Allan Garro

11. No. 1 Models is sending you to Miss Supranational what does this mean to you and how are you preparing for this?

It means so much to me that Kelvin is taking up his time to send me to misssupranational and represent Gibraltar in an international pageant. I am so excited to have the chance to represent Gibraltar abroad! To prepare for this pageant I intend to keep practicing my catwalk with No1 models and looking forward to the upcoming shoots.

Michelle Lopez Desoisa (2nd princess Miss Gibraltar 2022) Interview
My mum’s miss Gibraltar 1988 images

12. Which women inspire you most? 

I would definitely say my mum and older sister are my biggest inspirations. From a very young age my mum has taught us to be strong and independent and I will always admire her for that. I also look up to my sister and will always be grateful for the incredible role models I have in my life.

13. What advice would you give ladies that are thinking about signing up to the Miss Gibraltar pageant?

The best advice I could give any ladies thinking about entering miss Gibraltar is to go for it, it’s one of the most amazing experiences I have had. I would tell them to be themselves at all times like I mentioned above this is the best way to connect with the public and for them to get to know you just the way you are.

Michelle Lopez Desoisa (2nd princess Miss Gibraltar 2022) Interview
With my mother at the Miss Gibraltar show

14. Where can Globe Magazine readers follow your journey?

Globe magazine readers can follow my journey to miss supranational 2023 through @misssupranationalgibraltar and my personal Instagram @michelledesoisa


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